building community
through music
Thursday 10-11am
Sutherland Band Hall
School Terms
The Shire Bands are always on the lookout for enthusiastic new members. We have a number of different ensembles to cater for everyone. New players are welcome to pop in at any time to play or listen to the bands on a Monday or Thursday.
As a non-profit band our members band fees are used to cover expenses including insurance, music and equipment. Fees are currently $35/term or $120/year payable to the treasurer at the beginning of the year. Members joining midway through the year will pay on a pro rata basis..
The membership base covers a wide variety of skills and age groups, with members from 11 all the way up to 90+. Our groups regularly perform throughout Sydney at community events and functions. There is also many other exciting performances throughout the year including combined band and gala events.
Contact us for more information about joining.
Monday 6-8pm
Caringbah North PS Hall
School Terms
Thursday 10.30-11.20am
Sutherland Band Hall
School Terms
Thursday 9.30-10.20am
Sutherland Band Hall
School Terms
Thursday 11.40am-1pm
Sutherland Band Hall
School Terms